開始日期:2023-04-20 10:00
結束日期:2023-04-20 11:30
結束日期:2023-04-20 11:30
報名方式: 網路報名或索票入場 https://bit.ly/3myigo6
活動網址: https://ctld.ntnu.edu.tw/emi-workshop
參加對象: 教職員,學生,校友,其他
聯絡人: 黃雅雯
連絡電話: 02-77491889
電子郵件: v90370@ntnu.edu.tw
☆ 4月20日 (四) 實體+Google Meet直播
◆ 講題:Thinking about English-Medium Instruction: Do we need Everything Everywhere All at Once?
◆ 主講人 (會在實體現場):Professor John Airey (Stockholm University)
◆ 時間:10:00-11:30
◆ 地點:國立臺灣師範大學圖書館校區綜合大樓五樓綜509國際會議廳
◆ 報名截止日期:4月14日 (五)
【Event Information】
【Event Information】
☆ Thursday, April 20th (physical session plus live streaming via Google Meet)
◆ Topic: Thinking about English-Medium Instruction: Do we need Everything Everywhere All at Once?
◆ Speaker (physically present): Professor John Airey (Stockholm University)
◆ Time: 10:00-11:30
◆ Venue: Conference Hall 509, 5F, Union Building I, No 129, Sec. 1, Heping East Rd., Taipei City
◆ End date of registration: Friday, April 14th
Please note that these workshops will be conducted in English.
【演講內容簡介 Abstract of the Talk】
Around the world, more and more university courses are being taught in English. Although there are sound economic, social and political reasons for this trend, many questions remain about the pedagogical effects of EMI at university level: How can teachers be prepared for EMI teaching? Will students cope? Are some forms of teaching less suited to EMI? Do different disciplines have different needs? Etc. etc.
In this workshop, I present some of the research I have carried out in Sweden that addresses these questions and make a number of recommendations.
I finish the workshop by proposing a disciplinary literacy discussion matrix (Airey, 2011) as a tool for carrying out disciplinary needs analysis for EMI.
Airey, J. (2011). The disciplinary literacy discussion matrix: A heuristic tool for initiating collaboration in higher education. Across the disciplines, 8(3), 1-9.
In this workshop, I present some of the research I have carried out in Sweden that addresses these questions and make a number of recommendations.
I finish the workshop by proposing a disciplinary literacy discussion matrix (Airey, 2011) as a tool for carrying out disciplinary needs analysis for EMI.
Airey, J. (2011). The disciplinary literacy discussion matrix: A heuristic tool for initiating collaboration in higher education. Across the disciplines, 8(3), 1-9.