圖 新聞投稿
2023師大音樂節 哪裡來的絃言絃語 5/19將盛大演出
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本次【2023 師大音樂節 哪裡來的絃言絃語】音樂會主要演出形式是由師大陳沁紅與嚴俊傑教授,帶領師大學碩博班的學生們,以學術的教學與舞台實際訓練為目標。因此,在曲目規劃上,除了由師大音樂系教授李和莆創作的《光影的城堡 四部曲-絃樂八重奏》,這首作品是作曲家李和莆近年嘗試結合古典與流行語彙素材所創作風格,讓學生得以學習不同領域的聲響。


製作人: 陳沁紅 教授
演出日期:2023 年5月19日(五)晚上19 : 30
2023 NTNU Music Festival
2023 String Ensemble

In 2011, Wen-Pin Hope Lee, a full-time tenured (lifetime exempt professor) at the Music Department of National Taiwan Normal University, founded the 'NTNU String Octet' and premiered their first concert at the National Concert Hall. The concert was well-received, and the octet members continued to tour in Taiwan and other countries, such as Japan, Australia, Southeast Asia, and China. However, their performances were suspended due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2023, the octet will once again hold a concert series as part of the NTNU Music Festival.

The performance of the '2023 NTNU Music Festival - String Ensemble' concert is mainly led by professors C. Nanette Chen and Chun-Chieh Yen of National Taiwan Normal University. Under their guidance, undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students of the Music Department receive instruction and practical stage training. Professor Wen-Pin Hope Lee is in charge of program planning. In particular, 'A Castle between Light and Shadow - 4 Episodes for String Octet,' composed by Professor Wen-Pin Hope Lee, will be performed. This musical composition attempts to combine classical and popular musical elements in his recent works, allowing the students to learn more about different sound fields.

Additionally, the concert aims to attract community members who live near NTNU. The program will include famous classical chamber music pieces, such as F. Schubert's Piano Quintet in A Major, D. 667 'Trout Quintet' and D. Shostakovich's String Octet Op.11. The goal is not only to provide enjoyable and educational experiences but also to fulfill the social responsibility of serving and sustaining the university community.

Organizer: Music Department of National Taiwan Normal University
Producer: Professor C. Nanette Chen
Date: May 19, 2023 (Friday) at 7:30 pm
Admission: Free.
Program information:
