Publication Date:June 30, 2022
NTNU Continues Taiwan Huayu BEST Program with University of California, Santa Barbara

After the cooperation last year with Penn State University and the University of California, Los Angeles of the 'Taiwan Huayu Best Program' this year, National Taiwan Normal University signed the second phase cooperation agreement of the 'Taiwan Huayu Best Program' with the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). With 70 years of Chinese language teaching experience of NTNU and the resources of UCSB, together we strengthen Chinese language teaching and promote Taiwanese culture. In the future, UCSB will send students to NTNU to learn Chinese, which is beneficial to building a bilingual learning environment of NTNU and the competitiveness of local students.[ more ]

國立臺灣師範大學繼去年與美國東岸的賓州州立大學、西岸的加州大學洛杉磯分校合作「優華語計畫」後,今年再度與美國名校加州大學聖塔芭芭拉分校(UCSB)簽訂第二期「優華語計畫」學術合作協議。期結合臺師大70年華語教學經驗,與西岸名校人文薈萃之優勢,共同深耕當地華語教學並推廣臺灣文化;此外,該校未來將選送學生來臺師大學習華語,藉由外籍生融入校園,豐富臺師大雙語學習環境,提升本地生的國際競爭力。[ more ]

NTNU Ranked 5th in 2022 Taiwan Universities Reputation Survey
大學聲望調查、USR大學公民調查 臺師大名次均進步

The results of the "2022 Taiwan Universities Reputation Survey” Global Views Monthly, a local magazine, was released on June 8. Presidents and vice presidents of 133 colleges and universities in Taiwan evaluated the 'Best Universities of the Year' in the form of mutual evaluation. National Taiwan Normal University ranked fifth among national universities, one step higher than last year.[ more ]

國立臺灣師範大學近期在雜誌媒體公布的兩項調查報告中,名次都進步。 《遠見》雜誌「2022國內大學聲望調查」結果6月8日出爐,由全臺133所大專校院的校長及副校長,以「校長互評」方式評比「年度辦學最佳大學」,其中,臺師大名列國立大學第五名,比去年進步一名。[ more ]

Strong Academia and Industry Collaboration drives NTNU to the Top Universities in Taiwan
產學合作帶動最佳大學排行表現 臺師大連五年人文社科大學奪冠

Global Views Monthly published the Top Universities in Taiwan survey on June 29. National Taiwan Normal University has been on top 1 for five consecutive years among universities focusing on humanities and social sciences. In the academic year of 2020, the amount of academia and industry collaboration income exceeded 1.1 billion NTD, second only to National Taiwan University and National Cheng Kung University, and some science and technology universities. In addition, both academic achievement and teaching performance ranked seventh, which is also an improvement over last year, and the total number of Chinese papers and the average number of papers by teachers also ranked first in Taiwan.[ more ]

《遠見》雜誌於6月29日公布「臺灣最佳大學排行榜」,國立臺灣師範大學在人文社科大學連續五年蟬聯冠軍,其中109年度的產學收入金額超過11億,僅次於臺大和成大,贏過部分理工名校,表現出色。另外,學術成就、教學表現等兩大面向都名列第七,也比去年進步,而中文論文總數與教師平均論文數,也高居全國第一。[ more ]

President Cheng-Chih Wu Encourages Graduates to Courageously Pursue Their Dreams
畢典》吳正己校長勉勵畢業生 勇於追求夢想

National Taiwan Normal University held its 110th Commencement Ceremony on May 21. During the event, President Cheng-Chih Wu exhorts the Class of 2022 that they “must pursue their dreams with courage.” The following is his full speech: Distinguished guests, professors, graduates, and families and friends joining us online, good morning. Today we celebrate the commencement of the academic year 2021-22. I am delighted to offer my heartfelt congratulations to all graduating students on behalf of the National Taiwan Normal University. Congratulations on your academic achievements and may all your dreams take you farther![ more ]

國立臺灣師範大學於5月21日舉行110學年度畢業典禮,吳正己校長期許111級畢業生,「一定要勇於追求夢想」。以下為校長致詞全文: 各位貴賓、師長、畢業生以及在線上觀看直播的親友們,大家好! 今天是本校 110 學年度的畢業典禮,我非常高興地在這裡代表臺灣師大,向所有即將畢業的同學、還有家長們表達誠摯的祝賀之意。恭喜同學們學業有成,夢想起飛![ more ]

NTNU IHRD’s English-Taught Master’s Program Attracts Local and International Students
國際人資所EMI課程 讓你與外籍生共學共好

Log on to the National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) course registration website and click the “English-taught courses”, what you will get are more than 600 courses for the Spring 2022 semester. Among all NTNU programs, the Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Development (IHRD) is one of the programs that provides students with the greatest number of English-taught courses: up to 14 English-medium instruction (EMI) courses are offered in Spring 2022.[ more ]

進入選課系統,勾選「英語授課」欄位,數百筆臺灣師範大學在110學年度第2學期提供的全英語授課課程資訊就躍入眼簾。除了語言相關科系之外,臺師大第一個全英語授課的國際人力資源發展研究所(以下簡稱國際人資所),其開設的全英語課程數量可說是全師大數一數二,這一學期提供了14門EMI(即English as a Medium of Instruction,專業領域全英語授課)課程。[ more ]

Students of Dept. of TAHRD at NTNU held a workshop on integrating English into STEM education
英語融入STEM教育工作坊 科技系師資生雙語教科技

The Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development (TAHRD 科技應用與人力資源發展系) at National Taiwan Normal University was invited by the Center for Research on Bilingual Education(CRBE, 國北教大雙語教學研究中心) of National Taipei University of Education to hold teaching workshop on integration of English and STEM education.[ more ]

受邀於國立臺北教育大學之雙語教學研究中心(簡稱雙語中心),國立臺灣師範大學科技應用與人力資源發展學系(簡稱科技系)於2022年4月30日以線上實作工作坊的形式,舉辦英語融合STEM教學,主要由兩位來自印尼的科技系僑生許美惠及張嫻安,進行雙語的教學,透過搭配RFID卡牌的方式,使學童可以一方面操作機械手臂,同時學習運作思維的概念。[ more ]

How does genetic inheritance affect learning and memory?

This study aims to explore how epigenetic factors affect learning and memory in academic performanc. Previous studies have shown that genetic factors affect about 60% of the variation in scientific learning (Polmin & Haworth, 2008). However, recent studies have indicated that the interaction of genes with the environment (epigenetics) may be the most important factor affecting brain development, brain plasticity, and learning behavior.[ more ]

本研究的目的在探討表觀遺傳因素如何影響學習記憶與科學學習。過去研究顯示,遺傳因素影響科學學習大約佔了60%的變異(Polmin & Haworth, 2008),然而,最近研究顯示基因與環境交互作用(表觀遺傳),可能是影響大腦發育、大腦可塑性以及學習行為最主要的因素:環境因子可活化細胞內信號通路,改變表觀遺傳基因的狀態。而表觀遺傳基因會透過神經生理影響神經可塑性,進而調控學習與記憶。[ more ]

Jokes for the brain: Unlock the neural mechanisms of the brain in reading different humorous materials

Humor is a good medicine for physical and mental health, as well as an effective lubricant for interpersonal relationships. Previous functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have revealed the neural structure of the brain in reading humorous materials, and the different brain regions dedicated to reading and understanding different humorous materials.    [ more ]

幽默是促進身心健康的良藥,也是有效的人際關係潤滑劑,幽默同時也具備了特殊的認知理解歷程。過去相關研究透過如功能性磁振造影(fMRI,functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging)等神經測量技術揭露了大腦在閱讀幽默媒材時所活化的神經結構,而在閱讀、理解不同的幽默媒材時,更是由大腦中的不同腦區專司![ more ]

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