Publication Date:March 31, 2022
Education in NTNU ranked 26th in QS World University Rankings by Subject 2022
臺師大教育學科全球第26名 4學科躋身全球百大

Quacquarelli Symonds has announced the latest QS World University Rankings by Subject 2022 on April 6th. QS World University Rankings is based on four indicators: academic peer review, employer reputation, citations per faculty and H-index. The first two comes from academic researchers and employers that reflects the quality of school education; the latter two are objective statistics that reflect the quality and quantity of academic research.[ more ]

國際高等教育調查機構(Quacquarelli Symonds,簡稱QS)4月6日傍晚公布最新2022全球大學學科排名,國立臺灣師範大學共有16個學科上榜,其中4學科入榜全球百名,教育學科獲評為全球第26名,圖資管理全球51-60名、語言學全球第90名,首次入榜的運動學科則名列第51-100名,表現亮眼。[ more ]

Online Meeting between NTNU and University of South Carolina for Dual Degree Program
運休學院與美國南卡羅萊納大學線上會議 促進雙聯學制執行

The Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management of NTNU held an online meeting with the College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management of University of South Carolina on January 14t.. Dean Li-Kang Chi of College of Sports and Recreation, Deputy Director Chang Yu Kai of the Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Chair Tan Tien Chin of the Gradate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management attended the meeting to meet Associate Dean Samuel Y. Todd, Director, International Institute for Foodservice Research and Education Robin DiPietro Program Director Marketa Kubickova and International Internship Manager and Instructor Christina Sayers to discuss on the double PhD degree of NTNU and University of South Carolina.[ more ]

國立臺灣師範大學運動與休閒學院01月14日晚間與姊妹校美國南卡羅萊納大學餐旅觀光、零售與運動管理學院進行視訊會議。運休學院季力康院長、體育與運動科學系張育愷副主任、運動競技學系李佳融主任、運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所湯添進所長與麥康妮副教授代表,美國南卡羅萊納大學則由Samuel Y. Todd副院長、餐旅與觀光管理學系Robin DiPietro主任、餐旅與觀光管理學系博士班Marketa Kubickova主任、與Christina Sayers國際交流專員共四人出席,商討兩校博士雙聯學制事宜。[ more ]

President Wu Cheng Chih Reappointed as the 14th President of NTNU
吳正己校長續任臺師大第14任校長 致力開創師大下一百年風華

The Reappointment Ceremony of NTNU President Wu Cheng Chih was held on February 22nd. Political Deputy Minister of Education Mon-Chi Lio personally handed the Certificate of Appointment for the second term. In his remarks, he praised President Wu for a steady growth in universities’ business. NTNT has nurtured cross display talents, conducted prospective study with extraordinary results in world-known academic ratings like QS World University Rankings by Subject. He hopes that President Wu can continue to devote to higher education in Taiwan and educate talents.[ more ]

國立臺灣師範大學2月22日上午舉行吳正己校長續任致聘典禮,由教育部劉孟奇次長親自致送續任聘書,期勉吳校長帶領臺師大發展成為一所傳承與創新並進的國際頂尖大學。劉次長致詞表示,吳校長107年2月就任以來,臺師大校務穩健成長,積極培育跨領域專才,紮根前瞻研究,在國內外重要學術評比表現亮眼,例如世界大學學科排名名列前茅,連續四年評比為臺灣文法商類大學第一,治學成效卓著,期許吳校長持續為我國高等教育發展努力,培育優秀人才。[ more ]

“Career Exploration in English”:Promoting Academic-Industry Communication and Broadening Students’ Horizons
文學院產業EMI課程促進產學交流 拓展學生視野

To build a bilingual university, National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) established the Office of Bilingual Education (OBE) in 2021 and started to promote EMI(English Medium Instruction)courses this semester to enhance student’s English proficiency and international competitiveness. On 18 March, one of the EMI courses, “Career Exploration in English,” invited Patrick Hafenstein, the Commissioner of Trade and Investment Queensland Office (TIQ) in Taiwan to share business trade and investment relationships between Taiwan and Australia.[ more ]

國立臺灣師範大學為推動雙語教育,於2021年成立雙語教育推動辦公室,並籌畫全英語授課EMI(English Medium Instruction)課程,以期幫助學生提昇專業英語能力,同時開闊國際視野。其中,「產業EMI-職場探索」課程便於3月18日邀請澳大利亞昆士蘭州貿易暨投資辦事處代表劉培希(Patrick Hafenstein)前來演講,除介紹昆士蘭州與臺灣間的貿易關係,也說明相關實習資訊。 [ more ]

Establishment of NTNU Online Welcomes Students Around the World
臺師大網路大學辦公室揭牌 擴大教學全球影響力

The pandemic has caused isolation in the society while technology has brought people connection and new possibilities. NTNU Online was officially started on February 25th. The hybrid mode of an online and offline courses is the new norm in education field. To create a better learning environment, NTNU established three digital on-the-job master programs to welcome students all over the world.[ more ]

疫情造成當代世界前所未有的社會孤立,但數位科技帶來新的連結與可能。國立臺灣師範大學成立網路大學辦公室(NTNU ONLINE),2月25日由吳正己校長正式揭牌,遠距教學與實體課程相輔相成的教學模式,成為疫情下的教育新常態,因此透過創造多元互動的數位課程資源,讓學生有更好的學習環境,更開設了三個數位碩士在職專班,向全世界招生,讓學習超越了國界,建立全球網路校園。 [ more ]

NTNU seeks to improve students
沉浸式英語口說環境 英語聊天室強勢回歸

National Taiwan Normal University’s (NTNU) Commission for General Education launched English conversation rooms in 2021 to help students improve their speaking ability through face-to-face conversations with English-speaking assistants. [ more ]

因應2030年雙語國家政策,為提供學生增進英語口說能力的機會,教務處共同教育委員會外文教育組 (共教外文組) 於110學年度起舉辦英語聊天室 (English Chatroom),朝十晚五全時段開放,讓學生在課餘時間,能與專業口說輔導員面對面以英語聊天,讓學習不單只是單向理解、接收語言,而是透過輕鬆友善的聊天室環境實際開口練習、提升口語表達能力。 [ more ]

2022 International Cultural Festival: Showcasing Cultures from Home
國際文化節開幕 各國學生展現家鄉文化

On March 15, National Taiwan Normal University’s Sunlight Boulevard was warmly infused with melodies, first of traditional Chinese folk music performed by the Chinese Music Club of National Taiwan Normal University, followed by a medley of Malaysian song classics sung by the Malaysian Student Association of National Taiwan University, and then a spectacular Saman dance with its crisp and rhythmic percussions was presented by Indonesian students from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, marking the opening ceremony of this year’s International Cultural Festival at NTNU.[ more ]

師大國樂社演奏與來自馬來西亞的懷鄉歌曲旋律溫暖了整個日光大道,還有印尼千手舞響亮的拍擊聲,替臺師大國際文化節揭開序幕。一年一度的國際文化節在3月15日正式開始,來自越南、泰國、印尼、緬甸、日本與中國等國家的學生穿上家鄉傳統服飾,在日光大道上一同擺攤、陳列各國美食,展現家鄉道地文化。吳正己校長更趁此機會邀請各國使節今年6月1日再來師大,一同歡度百年校慶。 [ more ]

2022 Chinese New Year Party for International Students at NTNU
境外生春節聯歡 體驗傳統年節氣氛

To celebrate the coming of new year, the Chinese New Year Party for International Students was held on December 29th. The party was started by a lion dance performance, followed by the traditional Chinese orchestra. More than 100 students attended the party. The organizer prepared traditional customs for students to try on and take pictures. The party was filled with a joyful atmosphere of new year celebration.[ more ]

揮別2021,喜迎新的一年,國立臺灣師範大學國際事務處12月29日舉辦境外生春節聯歡活動,邀請100多位境外生歡慶邁向2022。現場除了有各式喜慶傳統服裝,能夠穿搭拍照留念之外,還有飛鷹醒獅團開場表演,以及師大國樂社的曲目演出,充滿傳統文化的年節氣氛。 [ more ]

International Students Experience the Allure of Traditional Chinese Theatre
促進文化交流 國際生體驗傳統戲劇魅力

To encourage greater participation and awareness of cultural exchanges and traditions, the Office of International Affairs at National Taiwan Normal University invited performance troupe members Huang Ruo-Lin and Shi Hong-Jun of Contemporary Legend Theatre to demonstrate the forms and attitudes of classic roles in Beijing Opera, likening the opera’s numerous stylized gestures to present-day virtual reality simulations with a hundred years head start! Students from Hong Kong, Macau, Indonesia, Cambodia and other countries also enjoyed the charm of this traditional form of drama.[ more ]

為促進文化交流與推展傳統文化,國立臺灣師範大學國際事務處於3月18日,特別邀請「當代傳奇劇場」黃若琳、施宏駿老師,親自示範京劇中角色的身段與個性,並比喻許多手勢像在虛擬化的表演,概念彷彿百年前的VR!也讓來自港澳、印尼、柬埔寨等不同國家的學生體驗傳統戲劇魅力。 [ more ]

NTNU Students Awarded as Runners up of Overseas Compatriot Students Translation Competition

The 2021-2022 Overseas Compatriot Students Translation Competition Awards Ceremony was held on March 11th. After writing test, oral test and final competition, Caroline Chandrawijaya, freshman of College of Education and Sinh Tu Ngoc, a sophomore of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language are the runner up in Indonesian and Vietnamese groups.[ more ]

僑務委員會「僑生翻譯比賽」活動邁入第二屆,3月11日進行決賽與頒獎典禮。經過專業評審委員書面測驗、面試及決賽層層嚴格篩選,國立臺灣師範大學教育學院學士班一年級學生曾嘉玲及華語文教學系二年級學生凌秀玉,分別拿下印尼文、越南文組亞軍。 [ more ]

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