NTNU and UCLA Sign Collaboration Agreement for Taiwan Huayu Best Program
臺師大與美國東西岸兩大名校簽約 透過臺灣優華語計畫深化校際合作
National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) and the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) signed a Collaboration Agreement (CA) on November 2, 2021. Through this Collaboration Agreement (CA), NTNU will send outstanding Chinese language instructors to UCLA each year, while UCLA students will come to NTNU for in-depth Chinese language study and provide English language tutorials to local elementary schools in New Taipei City.[ more ]
臺師大與賓州州大再度攜手合作 建立海外華語教學中心
臺灣時間11月1日晚上,臺師大吳正己校長先與策略夥伴姊妹校美國賓州州立大學(Pennsylvania State University,簡稱PSU)校長Eric J. Barron透過線上典禮簽約,正式開啟雙方合作項目,包括建立臺灣師大海外華語教學中心及選送華語老師至賓州州大,進行華語教學並推廣臺灣文化。[ more ]
NTNU and PSU Join Forces Again to Sign Collaboration Agreement for Taiwan Huayu Best Program
臺師大與美國東西岸兩大名校簽約 透過臺灣優華語計畫深化校際合作
National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) and its strategic partner of Pennsylvania State University (PSU) signed a collaboration agreement for “Taiwan Hauyu BEST program” on November 1, 2021 to promote Chinese language instruction and learning through academic cooperation and exchange of visiting scholars and students supported by NTNU Overseas Mandarin Training Center. NTNU will annually send two Chinese language instructors on exchange to PSU, while PSU students come to NTNU for in-depth Chinese language study and to provide English language tutorials to local elementary schools in New Taipei City.[ more ]
華語使用人口是全球第二眾多,國立臺灣師範大學挾著近70年華語教學優勢,與美國東岸的賓州州立大學、西岸的加州大學洛杉磯分校攜手合作,簽訂「優華語計畫」學術合作協議,透過校對校建立緊密穩固的國際合作,深耕當地並推廣臺灣文化,並將招收名校外籍生來校學華語,打造多元雙語學習環境,提升國際競爭力。[ more ]
Online Forum by NTNU and Kyushu University Advances Bilateral Collaboration
臺師大與日本九州大學線上論壇 多項研討促雙邊合作升級
In light of the abundant achievements of Kyushu University in academic research and industry-academia cooperation in recent years, and for the sake of continuing to deepen the academic cooperation and exchanges between the two universities, NTNU held an online joint forum with Kyushu University on December 3 of this year. Besides the theme of sustainable development which structured the forum, results of research collaborations by the two universities were also presented along with group discussions in various fields such as science, online education, mathematics for industry. The online forum served to expand the research capabilities of both universities as well as promote and advance their relationship of bilateral collaboration.[ more ]
臺師大吳正己校長致詞表示,臺師大與日本九州大學於2018年起開啟策略夥伴姊妹校關係,雙方師長密切互訪外,兩校也共同辦理多場論壇及執行多項研究計畫,開拓兩校更多合作的可能性。他也提到,若疫情趨緩,也歡迎九州大學師生明年來臺一同歡慶臺師大百年校慶。[ more ]
Center for Academic Literacy at NTNU Opened for Future Bilingual University
打造未來世代的雙語大學 臺師大成立英語學術素養中心
National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) has been selected to be one of the landmark bilingual universities for the Program of Bilingual Education for Students in College (the BEST Program). In pursuance of the Bilingual Nation policy, NTNU established the Center for Academic Literacy (CAL) in academic year 2021 in order to develop the English academic literacy of the undergraduate and graduate students at NTNU and train bilingual professionals in academic writing and speaking with the aim of improving the competitiveness as a higher education establishment.[ more ]
為達成在2030年將臺灣打造為雙語國家的目標,教育部積極推動「大專院校學生雙語化學習計畫」,臺師大獲選為重點培育的雙語標竿大學。而臺師大為打造成接軌國際的頂尖雙語大學,積極推動全英語授課(EMI),並在110年學年度成立「英語學術素養中心」(Center for Academic Literacy,簡稱CAL),透過提升同學的學術英語寫作和口語能力,為修習全英語課程作好準備。[ more ]
International Students Teach English at Rural Elementary School
臺師大國際生至偏鄉英語教學 協助提升國小雙語能力
In response to the bilingual policy by the government, National Taiwan Normal University cooperated with the Education Department of New Taipei City Government to open a Bilingual Local Cultural Immersion Workshop in the first semester of the 2021 academic year. NTNU is responsible for the training and recruitment of international students. A total of 18 international students from United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, and Finland participated the workshop and the Education Department invites elementary schools who are willing to participate.[ more ]
臺師大國際事務處於110年12日15日舉行服務學習計畫分享會,18位國際學生分享他們至新北市偏鄉國小進行英語教學的內容與心得,除了感謝合作的國小老師提供幫助及支持,也對偏鄉美景讚不絕口,小朋友的熱情回饋更讓他們覺得溫暖有意義。參與計畫的國際生均表示,這次服務計畫不僅是他們人生第一次的教學經驗,也從中感受到臺灣人文風情,非常開心有這樣的機會及體驗。[ more ]
2021 Asia-Pacific Association for Teacher Education Annual Conference held Online
跨國研討會搭起國際對話橋樑 交織出全球教育變遷下之教師樣貌
The 2021 Asia-Pacific Association for Teacher Education Annual Conference, organized by Taiwan Education Alliance and Asia Pacific Association for Teacher Education, was held online on November 26 and 27 under the topic of Shaping Future Teachers for Global Education Changes. The discussion is on policy formulation and educational research in different countries. Scholars and panelist are from 13 countries and over a thousand participants joined the online conference, which shows the concern of educators from all over the world.[ more ]
2021年度亞太師資教育學會(Asia Pacific Association for Teacher Education)與臺灣教育聯盟(Taiwan Education Alliance)於11月26日、27日聯合舉辦為期兩天的國際研討會,以「型塑未來教師在全球教育變遷下的新樣貌(Shaping Future Teachers for Global Education Changes)」為主題,與各國教育研究工作者從不同國家的觀點,根據不同的文化背景、政策制定與研究方向,針對師資培育研究進展與未來發展方向,進行深度交流與討論。兩天論壇講者與討論人來自約13個國家與地區,而線上與會者亦多達千餘人次,顯見各國教育工作者對於議題的關注。[ more ]
Conference on Child Development and Family Studies Held online by NTNU
人發系主辦兒童發展與家庭研究學術研討會 吸引近300名與會者跨領域對話
The Conference on Child Development and Family Studies, CDFS, is mainly about the society, education, communication, psychology, and cognitive neuroscience, focusing on child development, children's education, family life, family education. It serves as a platform for researchers and practitioners in the above fields to exchange ideas with each other. The first seminar was held at National Taiwan Normal University as physical conference in 2020.[ more ]
「兒童發展與家庭研究學術研討會(Conference on Child Development and Family Studies)」(簡稱CDFS)主要連結社會、教育、傳播、心理以及認知神經科學等領域,對於兒童發展、兒童教育、家庭生活、家庭教育的關注,提供上述各領域的研究學者與實務工作者相互分享對話的平台,首屆研討會於2020年以實體會議形式在國立臺灣師範大學登場。[ more ]
The International Society of Sport Psychology 15th World Congress at NTNU
國際運動心理學會世界大會 臺師大與57國學者齊聚線上研討
The International Society of Sport Psychology 15th World Congress, organized by Society of Sport and Exercise Psychology and assisted by National Taiwan Normal University, was held in Taipei from September 30 to October 4. Licensed by International Society of Sport Psychology, it is the largest, most engaged professional psychology congress in the world. More than 600 experts from 57 nations attended the congress online and this is beneficial in elevating the academic reputation of Taiwan and our development of Exercise Psychology and behavior studies.[ more ]
四年一度 運動心理學術界奧運匹克級盛會
由台灣運動心理學會主辦、國立臺灣師範大學協辦的「國際運動心理學會第15屆世界大會」,9月30日至10月4日在臺北盛大舉行,由國際運動心理學會(International Society of Sport Psychology,ISSP)授權,屬於全球最大型、最多國際人士參與的運動心理學專業研討會,亦是臺灣體育運動相關學術研討會中最大型研討會(https://issp2021.com )。此次世界大會共有來自57國、逾600位學者專家在線上參與盛會,將能提升我國際學術地位及運動心理與動作行為領域發展。[ more ]
Third Asia Pacific International Conference on Positive Behavior Support Held Online
亞太地區正向行為支持國際研討會 近三百名學者專家線上交流
With the support of Association for Positive Behavior Support, the third Asia Pacific International Conference on Positive Behavior Support was hosted by Department of Special Education, NTNU and College of Teacher Education. The online seminar was held on September 17 and 18, with almost 300 participants from nine countries. Invited by Association for Positive Behavior Support (APBS) Professor Hung Li Yu was the coordinator at the APBS Network in Taiwan, responsible for introducing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) to Taiwan and establish a cross-border communication platform for Asia-Pacific countries.[ more ]
第三屆亞太地區正向行為支持國際研討會(The third Asia Pacific International Conference on Positive Behavior Support)在美國正向行為支持學會的支持下,由國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育學系和師資培育學院合作辦理,於2021年9月17日召開虛擬研討會,為期兩天,與會者近300人來自九個國家,並於9月18日圓滿落幕。[ more ]
One material with two functions could lead to faster memory
臺師大與九州大學研發新世代發光記憶體 實現高速運算需求
In a step toward a future of higher performance memory devices, researchers from National Taiwan Normal University and Kyushu University have developed a new device that needs only a single semiconductor known as perovskite to simultaneously store and visually transmit data.
By integrating a light-emitting electrochemical cell with a resistive random-access memory that are both based on perovskite, the team achieved parallel and synchronous reading of data both electrically and optically in a ‘light-emitting memory.’[ more ]
臺日跨國研發成果 登上國際知名期刊
國立臺灣師範大學攜手策略伙伴姊妹校日本九州大學,研發出一種新型高效能的發光記憶體,讓數據可以同時用電子和光學方式傳輸,研究登上國際期刊《自然通訊》,未來有望應用在資訊加密、網路通訊領域。[ more ]