Publication Date:September 30, 2021
NTNU Selected by Ministry of Education as Key Cultivation University for Program on Bilingual Education

On September 2nd, Taiwan’s Ministry of Education announced that NTNU is selected as Key Cultivation University for the Bilingual Education for Students in College. The Program on Bilingual Education for Students in College was launched by the Ministry of Education this year to elevate the overall international competitiveness of Taiwan higher education. Six bilingual benchmark universities and 30 bilingual benchmark colleges are expected to be established by 2030, with at least 50% of their second-year students reaching English proficiency of CEFR B2 level or higher. [ more ]

國立臺灣師範大學致力打造雙語校園環境,培養學生國際競爭力,9月2日榮獲教育部核定大專校院學生雙語化學習計畫的「重點培育學校」之一,全國四所大學獲得此計劃。 教育部今年啟動「大專校院學生雙語化學習計畫」,聚焦「重點培育」及「普及提升」兩大主軸,推動全英語課程(或稱EMI課程),整體提升高教國際競爭力。重點培育之大學將獲前瞻計畫經費挹注,轉型為雙語標竿學校,作為推行雙語教育之典範,預計2030年達6所標竿學校、30個標竿學院,至少50%的大二生達到CEFR B2以上程度;此外,普及提升計畫則希望2030年至少40所大專80%的課程採全英語授課。[ more ]

Joint Online Conference by NTNU and the University of Glasgow on Climate Change Initiatives
臺師大與格拉斯哥大學共辦線上論壇 關注氣候變遷行動

On October 1, 2021, the National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) and the University of Glasgow (UofG) hosted an international conference online, inviting faculty from both institutions to deeply consider environmental education for sustainability. Specifically, the two universities discussed practical actions being implemented in Taiwan and the UK, related curriculum to be established in both schools, and measures for sharing research findings between NTNU and UofG to increase academic collaboration opportunities.[ more ]

國立臺灣師範大學與英國格拉斯哥大學(University of Glasgow)10月1日舉辦線上國際論壇,邀請雙方師長與會,深思永續環境教育議題,分享臺灣與英國各自的具體行動,並提出未來兩校設立相關學程,以及研究共享等措施,增加雙邊學術合作機會。[ more ]

NTNU Shares Development of Bilingual Education in 2021 Taiwan-Philippines University Presidents’ Virtual Forum
臺菲校長論壇 臺師大分享打造雙語學習環境經驗

The 2021 Taiwan-Philippines University Presidents’ Virtual Forum was held on August 24th by Taiwan Education Center Philippines and Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges under the theme of Language Education and International Linkage Under Covid-19. Executive Vice President Frank Yung-Hsiang Ying attended the forum representing NTNU, to understand the latest development of higher education in the Philippines and gave a talk about the Building Bilingual Environment in NTNU. [ more ]

菲律賓臺灣教育中心與菲律賓公立大專協會(PASUC)於8月24日以線上形式舉辦「2021年臺菲校長論壇(2021 Taiwan-Philippines University Presidents’ Virtual Forum)」。臺師大由印永翔副校長代表參與盛會,除了藉此了解菲律賓目前高教現況與需求,也以『建立臺師大的雙語環境』為題,闡述臺師大在國家雙語政策推動下,以機構、教師、學生、課程和跨校合作等五大面向執行,致力形塑國際化校園,打造英語授課情境。[ more ]

Fruitful Discussion at the 25th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education
重塑不同的互動型態 第二十五屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會

The 25th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2021) organized by The Education University of Hong Kong, Beijing Normal University, Taiwan Normal University and National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University in blended mode on 11 - 15 September 2021.[ more ]

第二十五屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會(GCCCE2021),由臺灣師範大學、香港教育大學、北京師範大學和新加坡國立教育學院四地聯手,一連五天進行混成式國際會議,9月15日圓滿落幕,突破疫情和環境限制,逾1300人次參與線上會議,臺灣和北京的實體場共計70人次,兼顧實體安全與線上便利,不但呼應今年主題「重塑計算機教育」,也順利達成國際學術交流。[ more ]

Team NTNU Bagged 1 Silver, 2 Bronze from 2020 Tokyo Olympics
前進東奧 臺師大10位頂尖運動員角逐賽事最高榮譽

Sports games bring excitement and joy to both the athletes and the audiences. Due to the impact of COVID-19, the 2020 Tokyo Olympics was postponed to July 2021. 10 NTNU athletes joined the Olympic games and brought back 1 silver and 2 bronze medals.[ more ]

運動賽事帶來的豐沛能量,不僅於賽場上的血脈賁張,激烈競爭更帶給觀眾熱血沸騰的體驗。全球受新冠肺炎疫情影響,東京奧運延期至今(2021)年7月份舉辦。本屆賽事臺師大共有10位頂尖運動員,代表臺灣前進奧運殿堂,與世界好手角逐最高榮譽。[ more ]

Sport Science Team of NTNU Assisted in the Winning of Tokyo Olympic Games
東奧師大運科團隊》競技系相子元教授整合運動科學能量 助奧運健兒奪牌

The Tokyo Olympics is a battlefield for top sporting nations to compete and an important stage for them to demonstrate the results of sports science. Taiwan is no exception. The National Sports Training Center invites domestic sports science and domestic sports medicine experts to organize a sports science team. Research Chair professor of the Department of Athletic Performance Prof. Shiang Tzyy Yuang serves as General Coordinator to integrate the resources of the major sports research teams to support training of athletes to prevent injuries to improve performance.[ more ]

7月23日揭開序幕的東京奧運會,不僅是各個運動大國激烈競爭的場域,也是各個強國展現「運動科學」實力的重要舞臺;臺灣也不例外,國家運動訓練中心邀集國內運動科學及運動醫學專家,籌組運動科學小組,由國立臺灣師範大學運動競技學系研究講座教授相子元擔任總召集人,整合國內各主要大學運科研究團隊及國訓中心運科處豐沛資源,應用運動科學全面支援教練選手訓練,協助選手減少運動傷害以提升競技表現,進一步達成奪牌目標。[ more ]

Taiwan's men's recurve bow archery team Bagged Bronze at the 2021 World Archery Championships
競技系為主力組成射箭男團 世錦賽逆轉射日勇奪銅牌

The 2021 World Archery Championships took place at Yankton in South Dakota. Taiwan's men's recurve bow archery team is mainly made up of NTNU alumni and students, including Coach Lee Tao Ming, Athelte Wei Chun Heng, Hung Cheng Hao are all from the Department of Athletic Performance. Wei just received silver medal from the 2020 Olympics and is now studying PhD in NTNU. He is the first NTNU trained athlete to receive a silver medal at the Olympics. [ more ]

臺師大之光!以國立臺灣師範大學運動競技系學生和校友為班底、由東京奧運男子團體銀牌得主魏均珩領銜出征的臺灣射箭反曲弓男子代表隊,9月25日在2021世界射箭錦標賽男團銅牌戰中,克服對手率先聽牌的龐大壓力,靠著加射以5比4逆轉射下日本鍍銅。[ more ]

Taiwan's VR artist Hsin-Chien Huang Wins the Best VR Story Awards of Cannes XR

The awards ceremony of Le Marché du Film will be held at midnight of July 13, 2021, at the Museum of Reality. The latest VR production by Distinguished Professor of NTNU, artist Hsin-Chien Huang, has been riding high among the other 16 nominated productions and bring home the prestigious "Best VR Story" award. "Samsara Ep. 1" is the first native VR production from Taiwan to receive such honor and has once again put Taiwan on the map![ more ]

新媒體藝術家黃心健《輪迴》上集 奪法國坎城影展最佳VR敘事大獎 法國坎城影展市場展(Le Marché du Film)於臺灣時間2021年7月13日午夜,於沉浸式虛擬場館MOR( Museum of Reality)舉辦頒獎典禮,並揭曉得獎名單,國立臺灣師範大學設計系特聘教授、新媒體藝術家黃心健以VR最新力作《輪迴》上集(Samsara Ep.1),自16部精采入圍作品中脫穎而出,一舉奪下本屆最佳VR敘事大獎( Best VR Story)殊榮。《輪迴》上集是首部獲頒此重要獎項的臺灣原生VR作品,臺灣驚人的VR創作實力再度揚名國際![ more ]

The Discovery of Diluted Magnetic Material from Prof. Liu Yi Hsin Published on International Journal
稀磁性量子材料新發現 化學系劉沂欣團隊登國際期刊

Wireless communication technology is regarded as the emerging, focus of the future encryption communication technology roadmap, attracting countries to invest in the research and development of quantum materials. After five years of research and experiments, the lab of Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemistry Liu Yi Hsin proposed to use organic-inorganic semiconductor materials to introduce manganese ions through solvothermal method to synthesize atomic-level two-dimensional single-layer semiconductors, which at room temperature, can demonstrate strong Giant Zeeman splitting and zero-field splitting at extremely low temperatures.[ more ]

化學系劉沂欣助理教授團隊研究 刊登美國化學會國際期刊 稀磁性量子材料新發現 以化學合成打破自然限制 新興無線通訊技術被視為未來加密通訊中的技術布局重點,吸引各國投入研發量子材料。國立臺灣師範大學化學系助理教授劉沂欣量子材料合成實驗室團隊,集結歷經五年實驗及跨領域研究成果,提出以有機-無機半導體材料,透過溶劑熱法引入錳離子合成原子級的二維單層半導體,於室溫下材料可呈現出極低溫下的強塞曼效應和零場分裂能,有助於開展與光源相關之自旋量子材料製備。[ more ]

NTNU Team Finding Out that Green Tea Polyphenol Catechins Inhibit Coronavirus Replication Published on Antioxidants
綠茶多酚兒茶素群阻絕冠狀病毒 生科院研究登國際期刊

The research team of the Founding Deam of the School of Life Science Chien Chiang Ting published recent results and discovered the research of the virus activity. Polyphenol catechins extracted from green tea can inhibit virus replication, strengthen the immune mechanism and improve various acute lung destruction. It can be used as a tool to prevent the spread of the virus and can effectively reduce the symptoms disease. [ more ]

生科院鄭劍廷教授研究刊登國際知名期刊 國立臺灣師範大學生命科學專業學院創院院長鄭劍廷特聘教授率研究團隊,近期發表抑制冠狀病毒活性的研究成果,他發現從綠茶萃取的多酚兒茶素群,能抑制冠狀病毒複製、強化免疫機制及改善急性肺損傷,不僅可作為預防病毒傳播與變種的利器,同時能有效減緩新冠肺炎病徵,論文已於今年7月刊登於國際知名期刊《抗氧化物(Antioxidants)》,市面上已有許多兒茶素產品,可及性高,可望成為有效協助抗疫的健康食品。[ more ]

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