Publication Date:June 30, 2019
VR work of Prof. Huang Hsin Chien Enters Cannes XR
設計系黃心健教授 臺灣VR作品首次進軍坎城影展

Huang Hsin Chien, a new media creator and Professor at the Department of Design, is invited to the Directors' Fortnight of the Cannes Film Festival. Artistic Director Paolo Moretti invited Huang to the Directors' Fortnight and this is the first complete and solo exhibition of Huang and Laurie Anderson, the avant-garde musician after their four years of cooperation on VR exhibition.[ more ]

臺灣VR創作第一人,師大揚名國際影展!國立臺灣師範大學藝術學院設計系教授暨新媒體藝術家黃心健於2019年5月15至25日,受邀參與法國坎城影展「導演雙週」(Quinzaine des Réalisateurs)的展演活動。[ more ]

Lei Chien Ying Won a Gold at 2019 Archery World Cup with Teammates

Lei Chien Ying, an athlete at the Department of Athletic Performance and teammate Tan Ya Ting, Peng Chia Mao defeated the Mexican by 5:1 and won the gold of the recurve women's team at Archery World Cup. This is a good start for the World Archery Championship in June and possibly the ticket for 2020 Tokyo Olympics.[ more ]

國立臺灣師範大學運動競技系學生雷千瑩及隊友譚雅婷、彭家楙,5月26日在2019年世界盃射箭賽土耳其站,以5比1擊敗墨西哥代表隊,勇奪反曲弓團體賽金牌,為備戰6月世界射箭錦標賽注入強心針,有望搶下2020年東京奧運門票。[ more ]

Amy Yeh, Graduate Student of GF-EMBA Tops International Hair & Makeup Trends
國際時尚碩班學生葉璨綿 獲國際美容美髮賽總冠軍

The 35th Hair & Makeup Trends was held in Manila on April 23rd. More than 100 contestants from Hong Kong, Macau, South Korea, Australia, Vietnam, China, Philippines gathered for all sorts of beauty techniques like hairdressing, nail art and styling. This year, 15 Taiwanese joined the competition. Amy Yeh, a student at GF-EMBA and a styling Director at Winmake Styling Company, won five medals, including barbie doll, mask makeup, making her the individual overall champion.[ more ]

第35屆國際美容美髮大賽4月23日在馬尼拉登場,15位臺灣選手與來自香港、澳門、韓國、澳大利亞、越南、中國大陸、菲律賓的上百名選手同場競技,比賽項目包括化妝、髮型吹剪染燙、美甲、造型等11項。國立臺灣師範大學國際時尚高階管理碩士在職專班學生、亞珈彩妝造型技術總監葉璨綿,一人囊括五5大獎,拿下創意芭比、創意面具雙料冠亞軍,也是全場總冠軍。[ more ]

Su Wen Yu from Dept. of Design wins Gold at MIFA

Su Wen Yu, a student of the Department of Design, received the gold award of Moscow International Foto Awards 2019 with her work Our Nature Playground. The photo features a young boy representing pure and future in the contrast image of a beach full of plastic waste.   Su comes from Penghu offshore island. She started to learn photography when she entered the Department of Design at NTNU. She loves to capture the subtle moments of people's lives. She also works as a part-time wedding photographer.[ more ]

國立臺灣師範大學設計學系碩士生蘇文妤熱愛拍攝,近日以她的系列作品「我們的自然遊樂場-Our Nature Playground」榮獲2019莫斯科國際攝影大賽金獎,這組以「海洋廢棄物」的照片,藉由一個小男孩傳達純淨、未來的意象,控訴貪婪人類傷害大地之母的無奈。[ more ]

NTNU and Penn State University announce collaborations for 2019
臺師大與賓州州大合作研究計畫 7位教師獲獎

National Taiwan Normal University and Pennsylvania State University became sister school in 1998. The Collaboration Development Fund Request for Proposals started last year for strategic Partnership. After closely reviewed, seven projects were chosen for funding, in a variety of disciplines, from math education to geosciences to information sciences and technology. The seven awardees will start their cooperation with professors in Penn State university. They would be funded by the two schools for travel and business expenses.[ more ]

國立臺灣師範大學與美國賓州州立大學(Pennsylvania State University)於1998年締結姊妹校,交流頻繁且情誼深厚,去年底共同推動「合作發展基金」計畫,近日甄選出7項計畫案,包含數學教育、地球科學到資訊科技等領域,獲獎的7位老師將與賓州州大教授展開合作,共同研究。[ more ]

2019 NTNU-Kyushu U Joint Forum on Facilitating Interdisciplinary Research and Education
師大與九州大學共同舉辦跨域高教論壇 培育跨域人才與世界接軌

The 2019 NTNU-Kyushu U Joint Forum on Facilitating Interdisciplinary Research and Education was held on May 28th by NTNU and Kyushu University. President Wu Cheng Chih, Vice President Frank Y-H Ying and faculties and students from College of Arts, College of Education, College of Science and College of Technology and Engineering attended the forum with President Chiharu Kubo and 42 members from Kyushu University.[ more ]

即將迎接97週年校慶的國立臺灣師範大學,與日本具學術頂尖地位的九州大學攜手合作,5月28日在校本部禮堂舉辦跨域高教論壇,由吳正己校長、印永翔副校長帶領文學院、教育學院、理學院、科技與工程學院及管理學院超過百位師生,與九州大學久保千春校長及該校42位師生進行學術交流,共同激盪出高等教育發展的新策略及方向,以培育跨域人才與世界接軌。[ more ]

UCLA-NTNU Taiwan Studies Initiative Conference in Taiwan Attracts Scholars All Over the World
UCLA-NTNU Taiwan Studies年度會議 吸引頂尖國際學者與會交流

The Initiative Conference, co-organized by National Taiwan Normal University and the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), was held at UCLA from April 12 to 13. The theme of the conference was 'Sinophone Studies:Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Critical Reflections' During the two-day conference, a total of 48 scholars from Taiwan, the United States, Germany, France, Australia, Italy, South Korea, Vietnam and Hong Kong published papers. More than 100 academics attended the conference, making it a major event for Chinese language studies.[ more ]

由國立臺灣師範大學與美國加州大學洛杉磯分校 (UCLA) 共同舉辦的國際研討會,於4月12至13日在UCLA舉行,會議主題為「華語語系研究:跨領域視角與批判性反思」 (Sinophone Studies:Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Critical Reflections)。為期兩天的會議共有48位來自臺灣、美國、德國、法國、澳洲、義大利、韓國、越南與香港的學者發表論文,共聚集百餘名學界人士與會,是為華語語系研究一大盛事。[ more ]

NTNU Signs MOU with University of Warsaw
師大與波蘭華沙大學簽約 姊妹校情誼再深化

The sister schools of NTNU are located around the world. Vice-rector of the University of Warsaw. Warsaw Prof. Maciej Duszczyk came to NTNU on April 26th with administrators and signed an MOU. According to Prof. Maciej Duszczyk, now we focus on Chinese teaching, in the future, the cooperation may be expanded to the College of Science, the College of Education.[ more ]

國立臺灣師範大學姐妹校遍及全球,歐洲波蘭規模最大的華沙大學由研究及國際事務副校長Prof. Maciej Duszczyk於4月26日率隊訪師大,簽訂學術合作備忘錄。Prof. Maciej Duszczyk提及,未來不只會在華語教學上進行合作,也可能擴及理學院、教育學院,並促成交換生或教授互訪。[ more ]

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