Publication Date:March 31, 2018 |
NTNU Becomes First IB School for Teacher's Education in Taiwan
師大成為臺灣首所國際文憑 IB師培機構
NTNU is proud to receive the first IB certificate for teacher education program in Taiwan. For decades, NTNU has been the leader of teacher's education in Taiwan. After the establishment of College of Teacher Education in August 2017, the consultant visitors of IB recommended NTNU to be the first IB school for teacher education program in Taiwan this January. This time, the application of International Education and Mandarin Education were sent and approved.
The International Baccalaureate (IB) is an international educational foundation headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland and founded in 1968. It offers four educational programs: the IB Diploma Program and the IB Career-related Program for students aged 15 to 18, the IB Middle Years Program, designed for students aged 11 to 14, and the IB Primary Years Program for children aged 3 to 12.[3] To teach these programs, schools need to be authorized by the International Baccalaureate Organization.[ more ]
臺師大獲認證推薦 成為臺灣第一所國際文憑師資培育機構
臺師大的師資培育一直居於領先地位,繼106年8月成立師資培育學院之後,又於今年1月30日獲得國際文憑組織(International Baccalaureate,簡稱IB) 訪視官推薦,成為臺灣第一所國際文憑教師證照的師培機構。本次臺師大同時申請「國際教育」及「華語文教育」二項國際教師學程認證,皆獲高度推薦。前者是亞洲第一個獲得IB認證的國際教育學程,後者是以華語為授課語言的大學第一個獲得認證的學程。[ more ]
NTNU Signs MOU with Kyushu University for Exchange Opportunities
師大與九州大學簽MOU 展開多項實質交流
The College of Science of NTNU signed an agreement on academic collaboration last December and the activities will start this year. Both sides provide five spots for exchange students and take turns on holding academic seminars. President Chiharu Kubo came to NTNU on January 7th this year and made some further discussion about the academic exchange, all-English course, Taiwan Study lecture and so on, for a beneficiary outcome for both universaties.
Kyushu University is a Japanese national university located in Fukuoka, Kyushu. It is the 4th oldest university in Japan and one of the former Imperial Universities. It is considered one of the most prestigious universities in Japan. The history of Kyushu University can be traced by medical schools of the feudal domains built in 1867, and is the largest public university in Kyushu. It's located in the heart of Fukuoka, close to Kyushu National Museum and many tangible and intangible cultural heritage.[ more ]
國立臺灣師範大學理學院與日本頂尖學府九州大學(Kyushu University)理學院、工學院、藥學院、先導物質化學研究所於去年12月簽訂學術合作協議,從今年起展開實質交流,兩校各提供五位交換生名額,每年輪流舉辦學術研討會,九州大學校長久保千春更率領團隊於今年1月7日回訪師大,與師大張國恩校長洽談多項學術合作,包括教育學院共同英語授課、文學院臺灣研究講座等,期許逐步為兩校師生建構研究、學習的跨國管道,有助於提升雙邊研究成果。[ more ]
NTNU ranked 29th globally in Library and Information Management
Quacquarelli Symonds has announced the latest QS World University Rankings by Subject 2018 on February 28th. More than ever before, this year's ranking features 48 different subjects. 'Classics and Ancient History' and 'Library and Information Management' are added this year. In the subject of Library and Information Management, NTNU is ranked 29th globally.
QS World University Rankings is based on four indicators: academic peer review, employer reputation, citations per faculty and H-index. The first two comes from academic researchers and employers that reflects the quality of school education; the latter two are objective statistics that reflect the quality and quantity of academic research.[ more ]
英國著名的Quacquarelli Symonds(QS)教育機構,於2018年2月28日發表了最新的世界大學領域排名(QS World University Rankings by Subject 2018)。在全部48個學術領域中,今年新增了兩個領域:「圖書與資訊管理」以及「古典與古代歷史」。國立臺灣師範大學(臺師大)在圖書與資訊管理領域,排名全球第29名。
臺師大在1955年即推展國內圖書資訊的教育與研究,在首次的圖書與資訊管理領域排名中,獲得全球前30的名次,反應出臺師大在圖書資訊領域傑出的教學與研究成果。[ more ]
The Chinese Taipei Tug-of-War Team Got 3 Gold 1 Silver at 2018 TWIF Indoor Championship
師大景美女子拔河隊 世錦賽摘3金1銀
The Chinese Taipei Tug-of-War Team, consists of athletes from Jingmei High School and NTNU, did well at the championship at 2018 TWIF Indoor Championship. The team grabbed 3 gold and 1 silver and bring honor to their school. 2018 TWIF Indoor Championship was held in Xuzhou, Jiangsu on March 8th. Vice President of Office of Student Affairs Chang Shao Hsi led the team to China.
On March 8th, the open of ladies U23-500 Kg weight class took place. Chinese Taipei team competed with Zhejiang Police College and Berriozar and won by 2:0. It was a good start. The coach, Lee Ru Chung was in the team of Chinese Taipei that first won the championship. It means a lot to her that she can pass on her knowledge and skill to the younger generation.[ more ]
2018世界盃室內拔河錦標賽8日起在大陸江蘇省徐州市舉辦,「中華臺北─景美師大」女子拔河聯隊在師大學務長張少熙帶隊下,從5日及6日分批啟程前往現場參賽。[ more ]
First Holding Business in Taiwan by Industry and University at NTNU
影音》師大成立新創控股公司 許勝雄任董座
The first holding business in Taiwan, founded by the industry and the university, started in January 16th. The Chairman of the Board, Rock Hsu, comes from New Kimpo Group. The stakeholders come from all kinds of different fields, like electronic company, technology business, bookstore and Melamine company. This company will provide students with valuable resources and lead the startup of NTNU to the International stage with four major advantages. Teacher and students running a startup, cross-discipline advantage, cross-boundaries advantage and social responsibility.
In recent years, more and more universities have been promoting the cooperation between the industry and academic institutes. However, it is not that helpful in terms of industrial transformation in Taiwan. Only by being creative and startups can be helpful to the industry in Taiwan.[ more ]
國立臺灣師範大學於1月16日成立國內大學第一家產學合資投資控股公司「臺師大新創控股事業股份有限公司」,由金仁寶集團許勝雄董事長親自領軍,擔任控股公司董事長,股東陣容堅強且多元,包括上市櫃企業金寶電子、昱晶能源科技、威潤科技,及國內磁性材料龍頭秀波集團、教育產業南一書局、生化產業承德油脂、臺灣美耐皿以及育達科技大學董事長王育文等校友,將提供提供師生創業各項資源與輔導,帶領臺師大新創團隊,以「師生共同創業」、「跨領域優勢」、「跨境優勢」、「社會責任」等模式,邁向國際創業舞臺。[ more ]
NTNU Alumna Received the Stevie Awards for Women as Business
影音》社教系鄭惠如獲史蒂夫女性獎 驚艷全球商業界
The alumna from the Master Program of the Department of Adult and Continuing Education, CEO of Good Food Enterprise Co Viola Cheng, just received the Stevie Awards for Women as Business in Startup of the Year- Gold Stevie Winner and Young Female Entrepreneur- Silver Stevie Winner. Her company is known for solving social problems. Cheng went on stage with the flag of the Republic of China and impressed the business world with her company.
The Stevie® Awards are the world's premier business awards. They were created in 2002 to honor and generate public recognition of the achievements and positive contributions of organizations and working professionals worldwide. In short order the Stevie has become one of the world's most coveted prizes. There are seven Stevie Awards programs, each with its own focus, list of categories, and schedule. [ more ]
史蒂夫獎(The Stevie Awards)成立為獎勵全球不同類型、規模的企業和相關人士在商界的傑出表現,被公認是商業界的奧斯卡,包括七個獎勵項目:史蒂夫亞太獎、史蒂夫德國獎、美國企業獎、國際企業獎、史蒂夫商業女性獎、史蒂夫銷售與客戶服務獎以及史蒂夫傑出雇員獎。[ more ]
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