Publication Date:June 30, 2016
NTNU reaches 58th in QS University Rankings: Asia 2016
QS亞洲大學排名58 師大連續6年進步

QS University Rankings recently announced the new rankings for Asian universities for 2016. Last year, NTNU was ranked 64th. This year, NTNU moved up six places to number 58. Since the first year of QS Asian University Rankings, NTNU has been making some progress year by year. QS first started the ranking of Asian Universities in 2009. This year, the ratio of some indicators have changed. The Employer reputation was raised from 15% to 20%, the Faculty student ratio was changed to 10% from 15%, the Academic reputation remains at 30% and the Internationalization also stays at 10%. An additional indicator was added, which is the ratio of academic staff with a PhD.[ more ]

英國高等教育調查機構QS於6月14日公布2016年最新亞洲大學排名,國立臺灣師範大學排名第58名,比去年進步六名。自該份排行公布以來,師大連續六年排名躍升。[ more ]

The College of Management Signs for Double Master Degree with the University of Otago
管院與奧塔古大學商學院 合作碩士雙聯學位

NTNU started the sisterhood with the University since 2000. In 2014, the MOU was signed for exchange program for students and teachers. At the 70th birthday of NTNU, the College of Management decided to sign the MOU for double degree, which is the first one between the two schools.[ more ]

國立臺灣師範大學於2000年與紐西蘭奧塔古大學(University of Otago)締結姊妹校,並於2014年簽署校級學生交換及教師交換合約。師大管理學院特選定70周年校慶期間,於2016年6月2日與奧塔古大學商學院(Otago Business School)簽屬碩士雙聯學位合作備忘錄,除更深化二校二院之國際合作關係,更是師大與奧塔古大學首紙雙聯學位合約。[ more ]

English Major Brings Honor from the Debate Tournament in Shanghai
勇闖上海辯論賽 英語系雙亞軍

The fist English Debate Tournament held by the College of Foreign Languages and Literature of Fudan University was held at the end of March. After fierce competition for few days, the team led by Prof. Charlotte Chang won the first runner up in group ranking and Su Wan Chun from the English Department received the second prize in personal ranking.[ more ]

由上海復旦大學外國語文學院主辦的首屆「英才杯」滬臺英語專業大學生辯論交流賽,3月31日至4月4日在上海復旦大學舉行。經過數日的激烈競爭,師大英語系常紹如教授帶領的學生團隊自兩岸大學生中脫穎而出,抱回大獎,不只榮獲最佳團體獎亞軍,英語106蘇琬淳更獲得個人組總決賽第二名的佳績。[ more ]

The International Top University President’s Forum in NTNU
國際知名大學校長論壇 激盪精彩火花

To celebrate the 70th Anniversary of NTNU, the Office of International Affairs invites the school sisters and presidents from the NTU System for the International Top University President’s Forum on June 2nd. The topic is to discuss the role Asia plays at the 21st century in the global higher education scene so that we can have an insight for long term development. Professionals and presidents gathered together and delivered a fruitful discussion.[ more ]

國立臺灣師範大學為擴大慶祝70週年校慶,6月2日由國際事務處邀請知名姊妹校與國立臺灣大學系統校長參加「國際知名大學校長論壇」,一方面強化姐妹校之間校際情誼,展現師大國際化的豐碩成果;另一方面加強三校交流,進而提昇我國高等教育的國際影響力,並探討亞洲在21世紀全球高等教育所扮演的角色,以洞悉並掌握長期趨勢。國內外知名大學校長及高教專家齊聚一堂,對談激盪出精彩火花。[ more ]

Violinist Maxim Vengerov Gave Masterclass in NTNU
小提琴名家凡格羅夫 開大師班

Universally hailed as one of the world’s finest musicians, and often referred to as the greatest living string player in the world today, Grammy award winner Maxim Vengerov came to NTNU to give a masterclass in late May. The concert hall in the Music Department was crowded with more than 100 fans, students and teachers. He taught 4 first prize winners from different age groups, showing the audience his passion for music and teaching the next generation. [ more ]

俄系小提琴名家、去年柴可夫斯基國際小提琴大賽評審凡格羅夫,5月27日在臺灣師範大學音樂系首度開大師班,音樂系演奏廳擠進了一百多位學生、教師及樂迷,他現場細心指導4位全國音樂大賽國高中小組首獎得主,增進臺灣學子音樂技巧,對音樂的教育與傳承充滿熱情,也讓累積多年的經驗留在臺灣。[ more ]

NTNU Sets up Overseas Technical and vocational Education Research Center

To improve internationalization and help the vocation training for oversea students, NTNU was granted the sponsorship from Overseas Community Affairs Council to set up the Overseas Technical and vocational education Research Center. The open ceremony was on the 19th of May. The President of NTNU, Chang Kuo En, also serves as the Chair of the Overseas Community Affairs Council, Vice Chair Hsin Chi Chang, member Yu Chan Tsai and Section Chief Chiang Chia Huei were invited as guests. Professor and Chairman of the Department of Industrial Education LI Jeen Fong, Prof. Hong Jon Chao and Prof. Kuo Chin Guo were presented.[ more ]

為促進國際化並充分協助僑生在臺之技職教育訓練,師大獲僑務委員會「國內大學院校成立僑務研究中心計畫」之獎助,成立海外技職教育研究中心,並於5月19日舉行揭牌儀式。僑務委員會委員長暨師大校長張國恩、副委員長信世昌、專門委員尤正財、科長江佳慧到場觀禮。師大工業教育學系系主任李景峰、教授洪榮昭、郭金國等也出席與會。[ more ]

NTNU Aids Students for APhO and Brings 3 Gold
師大培訓 亞洲物奧奪3金

The result of Asian Physics Olympiad 2016 came out on 6th of May. Under the training of professors from NTNU, the Taiwanese team bring back 3 golden medals, 1 silver medal, 3 copper medals and 1 honorable mention. Among 27 countries and regions and 193 students, Taiwan is ranked only second to China.[ more ]

由國立臺灣師範大學協助培訓的2016年第17屆亞洲物理奧林匹亞競賽成績5月6日揭曉,台灣共獲得3金1銀3銅1榮譽獎,在26個國家及地區、193名參賽學生中,團體排名第二,僅次中國大陸。 我國代表隊由臺師大組輔導團隊負責培訓,初選總2664名學生參加,經複選、決選淘汰,最後選出8人代表到香港參賽,彰化精誠高中二年級許芳慈、武陵高中三年級呂佳軒和建中二年級蔡沛愷奪金。[ more ]

Credit Programs for NTU Triangle Alliance Students

National Taiwan University (NTU), National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) are three geologically related institutes of higher education, each with its own academic focus. In order to best integrate their resources, the three universities have together established the “NTU Triangle Alliance”, with a principle of equality and mutual benefit. In addition to the courses available to students of the three universities, partial spots from the credit programs will be provided since next semester.[ more ]

臺灣大學、臺灣師範大學及臺灣科技大學共同組成的「國立臺灣大學系統」,三校在地利之便及互補性強等優勢下,已緊密合作,除了原有的跨校選課外,下學期起更首度開放三校間學分學程,互相提供部分修習名額。[ more ]

UC Berkeley Came to NTNU

NTNU is to cooperate with University of California, Berkeley for a top researcher project. Not only Professors from UC Berkeley came but also scholars from Princeton University and Stanford. The scholars visited NTNU on March 24th and had a whole hearted conversation with President Chang.[ more ]

師大與國際知名大學交流又進一步!師大將與美國加州大學柏克萊分校共同籌劃「臺師大-柏克萊頂尖研究人才躍升計畫」,其中來訪學者除來自柏克萊外,更有普林斯頓、史丹佛等一流大學講座教授。學者群於3月24日造訪師大,與校長張國恩相談甚歡。[ more ]

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