9 Subjects from NTNU are in the QS Rankings by Subject
QS大學排名 師大9學科入榜
QS World University Rankings by Subject 2016 for 2016 were announced on March 22nd .A total number of 28 subjects of NTNU are being ranked and now it has entered the rankings in a total of 9 subjects. When compared with the result of last year, mechanical engineering, physics and astronomy are new subjects of this year. Moreover, the education subject has made it into the top 50 subjects in the world for consecutive 3 years, making NTNU the only university in Taiwan that is part of the top 50s in the category of Civil & Structural Engineering.[ more ]
英國高等教育調查機構QS公司3月22日公布2016年「全球大學學科領域排名」,國立臺灣師範大學校內共有28個學科受評,其中有9個學科入榜,比去年新增了機械工程、物理及天文學。另外,教育學科連續3年進入全球前50名頂尖學科,也是國內唯一在社會科學與管理領域頂尖擠入前50名的大學。[ more ]
NTNU Teams up with UBC for Academic Leadership Development Program
NTNU signed an MOU of Academic Leadership Development Programs in Higher Education with the century old University of British Columbia on March 22nd. The Dean of the Faculty of Education, Professor Blye Frank, signed the MOU with the Dean of College of Education. This program will first be carried out in NTNU this August. A series of motivating activities and courses which prepares and supports academic leaders in their roles will be included for the heads of University offices It’s hoped that other universities in Taiwan or even other Asian universities will be interested to held similar actives.[ more ]
國立臺灣師範大學與加拿大具百年歷史世界一流的英屬哥倫比亞大學(University of British Columbia),於3月22日簽署「高等教育學術領導發展方案合作備忘錄」,由英屬哥倫比亞大學教育學院院長Professor Blye Frank與師大教育學院許添明院長締約,該方案將於今年8月首先在師大實行,針對大學系所主管需求,規劃一系列的激勵與培育活動,並期待能將此經驗推展到臺灣其他大學,甚至亞洲其他國家的大學。[ more ]
CSIE Doctor Helps Google Beat Go Champ
資工系栽培 Google贏圍棋王
Google defeat Go Champion with the help of a Taiwanese programmer.
AlphaGO, a computer program developed by Google DeepMind in London, beat South Korean Go grandmaster Lee Se-dol on the 9th of March. The result was shocking to the world. And there was a Taiwanese born and educated doctor behind the super program AlphaGO.[ more ]
Google打贏圍棋棋王 神秘台灣博士是關鍵
他剛和一群學生看完被譽為「人機世紀對決」,Google 旗下人工智慧公司 DeepMind 的人工智慧系統「AlphaGo」與南韓圍棋棋王李世石對戰的首場。[ more ]
Alumnus Tseng Miao Fen Leads Chinese Education in USA
校友曾妙芬 勾勒美國中文教育
In the March issue of Business Weekly, the alumnus of the English Department of NTNU, Tseng Miao fen, was introduced because of her outstanding career in Chinese teaching. Dr. Tseng is the first Chinese director and key trainer of the STARTALK Teacher Program at the University of Virginia. Her books are highly welcomed by Chinese teachers in the states and she is listed in the Who's Who in America Education.[ more ]
3月份出刊的商業週刊報導,國立臺灣師範大學英語系校友曾妙芬,是美國維吉尼亞大學「世界外語中心」首位華人主任,成為美國中文教育革命關鍵人物,其出版著作更是美國中文老師人手一本的必讀教本,因此入選「美國教育名人錄」。[ more ]
National Taiwan University System Benefits for Being Close
三校互補臺大系統 地緣佔先機
The 'National Taiwan University System', combined by National Taiwan Normal University, National Taiwan University and National Taiwan University of Science, will become the 7th Higher Education system in Taiwan. Compared to other university system, three schools agreed that the geographical relationship is the key that why this University system is more likely to succeed.[ more ]
受少子化影響,各大學招生不易。根據教育部資料顯示,目前50所公立大學中,僅18校超過萬人,超過1萬5000人的僅5所,可見公校普遍趨向規模小,教育部因此鼓勵「公公併」,但近期陽明和交通大學有意合併一事,也引發社會關注。[ more ]
Myth Breaker: Left Brain for Language Learning
跨國研究破迷思 學語言用左腦
Reading, writing and arithmetic are three basic skills required in course throughout the world. Different language systems look different when to read, write and calculate, but when people use different languages, will the brain functions differently?[ more ]
臺灣、美國、以色列和西班牙四個國家共十八位研究者,歷經四年,以漢語、英語、希伯來語和西班牙語四種跨語文比較的腦造影證據,顯示大學生在以聽覺和視覺辨識字詞時,呈現出非常一致的左腦功能運作模式。一個大腦,貫穿四種語文的運作,文字系統雖然互異,大腦認知運作卻是殊途同歸的「大同世界」![ more ]
Professor’s Work Became Covers of Magazines
The work of Leo Lin, Chun-Liang, Professor of Department of Design and the Dean of College of Fine Arts, was given the silver award at the 89th New York Art Directors Club Annual Awards. In echo with global warming, this piece was authorized to be the cover of French magazine Le Monde and Italian magazine Internazionale in 2015.[ more ]
呼應全球暖化議題,藝術學院院長、設計學系教授林俊良作品,曾勇奪第89屆紐約藝術指導協會年度獎(ADC)海報設計類銀獎(金獎從缺),授權法國媒體《Le Monde》11月號封面和義大利《Internazionale》12月號封面,展現臺灣設計力。[ more ]
Student Ambassadors in Malaysia promote DPPOCS
散播僑教種子 大馬遍地發芽
The Division of Preparatory Programs for Overseas Chinese Students has started a new program to recruit students. Current students serve like ambassadors that promote DPPOCS to students of their former schools when they go back home in summer or winter vacation. We hope that through the experience sharing from current students, more and more people will feel motivated to come to Taiwan to study.[ more ]
為推廣臺灣的升學制度及僑生先修教育,本校僑生先修部啟動「提升僑生素質種子計劃招生宣導」活動,招募僑先部學生擔任「種子學生」於每年寒暑假返回僑居地向母校學弟妹廣為宣傳,期盼透過僑先部「種子學生」在第一線將臺灣教育的親身體驗向學弟妹現身說法,增進臺師大僑先部的知名度,並提高學弟妹前來臺灣求學的動機。[ more ]