Overseas Teaching Internship Program with National Institute of Education
學習科學跨國頂尖研究中心成立 接軌國際共創學術成就
National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) and the Pennsylvania State University of the United States have co-founded the “the Advanced Center for the Learning Sciences” (ACLS) and will conduct bilateral student exchange programs in the near future. The two universities also announced at a press conference on Jan. 24 that they had partnered up with a Taiwanese computer firm, Leo System, to promote Chinese language learning through cloud computing technology.[ more ]
國立臺灣師範大學與美國賓州州立大學攜手成立「學習科學跨國頂尖研究中心」,未來雙方將進行學術交流與學生交換,在1月24日的記者會上並宣布與國眾電腦合作,透過雲端運算的支援把華語文教育推展到全世界。[ more ]
NTNU research reported by New York Times as discovering learning genes
師大解謎學習基因 紐時:台灣研究領先
Why are some children able to handle competition and pressure and get high scores while some are not? A report from the New York Times published on Feb. 6 cited NTNU’s pioneering research, which suggests COMT (enzyme), a human genome, is the answer to the question. The gene controls the activities of the neurological system and maintains brain function. The article topped the newspaper’s most forwarded news on the same day.[ more ]
面對競爭和壓力的環境下,有些學童表現比較好,可在壓力下成長茁壯,但有些學童就是做不到,為何如此?《紐約時報》2月6日刊出一篇報導,引據國立臺灣師範大學的一項先驅研究指出,關鍵在於人體中的COMT基因,COMT(酉每)負責協助規範神經系統的活動,保持腦力運作。這篇報導並且是當天《紐約時報》被轉寄文章排行榜第一名。[ more ]
NTNU won three distinguished research awards from Taiwan’s National Science Council
國科會傑出研究獎 師大佔三席成績亮眼
The National Science Council announced the winners of the 2012 Distinguished Research Awards on Feb. 1 this year. NTNU professor Chun-yen Chang and Kuo-en Chang won the award for the third times, while Professor Chau-Ron Wu of the Institute of Marine Environment Science and Technology won the earth science category of the award for the first time. The number of award winners from NTNU this year surpassed that of other Taiwanese universities such as National Chengchi University, National Chung Hsing University, National Yang-Ming University, and National Sun Yat-sen University.[ more ]
國家科學委員會2月1日公布101年度傑出研究獎得獎名單,國立臺灣師範大學共有3人獲獎,張俊彥、張國恩教授都是第3度獲獎,吳朝榮教授則代表師大首次在大地科學學門受肯定,今年臺師大得獎總人數名列前茅,成績超越政大、中興、陽明、中山等大學,表現亮眼。[ more ]
NTNU to provide overseas teaching internship program
海外教學實習 不再是夢想!
Professor Woon Chia Liu and G.C. Ivy Tan of the National Institute of Education (NIE) of Singapore visited NTNU on Jan. 8 this year. They signed an agreement with NTNU, which will initiate a 5-year bilateral exchange teaching internship program in 2013.[ more ]
國立臺灣師範大學與新加坡國立南洋理工大學教育學院(National Institute of Education,簡稱NIE)於1月8日簽署兩校教學實習交換協定書,從2013學年起展開為期5年的雙向交換教學實習學生計畫。[ more ]
NTNU signed MOUs for academic research and cooperation agreements with the University of Tsukuba, Japan
After years of joint efforts of NTNU faculties, the university signed an exchange program with the University of Tsukuba of Japan in December 2012.[ more ]
歷經多年的師長共同努力,國立臺灣師範大學於2012年12月與日本筑波大學(つくばだいがく,University of Tsukuba)成功簽署了全校學生交換協議。[ more ]