The annual International Cultural Festival is now on! The annual International Cultural Festival on Sunlight Avenue from March 12nd to 14th. Foreign students from Turkey, South East Asian countries, Japan, Korean, Paraguay all busy preparing their traditional food, wearing costumes. People dancing and singing on stage. The theme this year is narrator and animal. Students can share their stories like an animal is talking.
The host, Terry Chiang, is from the Department of Physical Education class 2006. The opening dance is given by a group of indigenous dancers. After that, foreign students took turns to be on stage and showed everyone what they've got. In Vice President Frank Y-H Ying's remarks, NTNU attracts about 400 oversea students from 92 countries for a degree and around 6000 students at MTC. It's no wonder that NTNU is a campus full of opportunities to connect with people from all over the world.
Counselor Hsu Hui Wen from the Department of International and Cross-strait Education said that, according to the statistics, NTU Systems has attracted thousands of international students to exchange or stay for a degree. It's great that we can all learn from each other and get to know different cultures.
Lots of guests attended the event, including Director Roland Rudorfer from Austrian Office Taipei, MR. Tommy Kambu Kunji from Papua New Guinea Trade Office in Taiwan, Dr. Pham Quy Muoi Head of Department of Academic Affairs and International Cooperation from the University of Danang, Vice President for International Affairs Liu Hsiang Lin, Deputy Vice President for Student Affairs Wang Shih Pe and Prof. Lin Bi Fong from NTU, Director Teng Fu Chen from OIT of NTUST. As they countdown, they poked the big balloon, releasing colorful small balloons to the sky and sprinkling confetti. A joyful atmosphere is in the campus.
Booth were everywhere on the Sunlight Avenue. Japanese student was selling taco rice. They said that this classic Okinawa dish is often mixed up with Mexican taco so they'd like to take this opportunity to introduce this dish to everyone. Booths of Vietnam, Thailand, Turkey and also local NTNU grocery are all popular and full of people.