National Association for Research in Science Teaching, NARST, founded in 1928, is a global association of education based in USA. This year is the first time of them having the Sandra K. Abell Institute for Doctoral Student outside of the states, which was held between June 24th to June 28th .35 phD students and 12 foreign professors and an expert of evaluation came to NTNU.
The National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) is a worldwide organization of professionals committed to the improvement of science teaching and learning through research. Since its inception in 1928, NARST has promoted research in science education and the communication of knowledge generated by the research. The ultimate goal of NARST is to help all learners achieve science literacy. NARST promotes this goal by: 1) encouraging and supporting the application of diverse research methods and theoretical perspectives from multiple disciplines to the investigation of teaching and learning in science; 2) communicating science education research findings to researchers, practitioners, and policy makers; and 3) cooperating with other educational and scientific societies to influence educational policies.
The NARST Sandra K. Abell Institute for Doctoral Students was held biannually since 2009. Prof. Chiu Mei Hung, the chairman that serves from 2016 to 2017, is who that made this possible in NTNU. Scholars are from The United States, England, South Africa, Norway, China, and Taiwan. Two former Chairmen of the board, Prof. Joe Krajcik from Michigan University, Prof. Mary M. Atwater from the University of Georgia, and Professor Rowhea Elmesky from the University of Washington, St. Louis, Prof. Sibel Erduran from Oxford University, Prof. Doris Jorde from the University of Oslo, Norway, Professor Christina V. Schwarz, Michigan State University, Professor Wang Lei from Beijing Normal University. A number of internationally renowned scholars came to Taiwan and co-guided the 35 doctoral students together. Dean Chen Kwun Min of the College of Science welcomed everyone on his addressing on June 24th and hope that everyone can keep working on the academic research.
The phD students are invited to give a presentation on June 28th, which includes a 3 minute oral presentation and poster exhibition. A seminar on Glocalization on Science Education was held on June 29th to 30th, focusing issues that are important to contemporary science education.