Due to the establishment of NTNU-Haskins Joint Laboratory of Brain Development and Learning, Academician of Academia Sinica Ovid Tzeng, Prof. Daisy L. Hung, Prof. Kenneth Pugh, the Director of Research at Haskins Laboratories, Vice President of Finance & Administration and Prof. Joseph Cardone, UNESCO Chair on Inclusive Literacy Learning for All, University of Jyväskylä Heikki Lyytinen came to NTNU and had a discussion about future cooperation with President Wu Cheng Chih and Executive Vice President Sung Yao Ting. The MOU was signed and both parties expect that with the establishment of the laboratory, more outstanding scholars can be linked together.
Prof. Kenneth Pugh is the Director of Research at Haskins Laboratories. He is one of the pioneers that applied fMRI in the filed of reading and reading disabilities and has achieved fruitful results in cognitive science and psycholinguistics. The University of Jyväskylä is a sister school of NTNU. Prof. Heikki Lyytinen is a UNESCO Chair on Inclusive Literacy Learning for All. Executive Vice President Sung Yao Ting led a team to Finland for the 2019 IWALS in University of Jyväskylä in June 2019, which was the first time they have worked with Prof. Heikki Lyytinen.