NTNU-AI Tops at International Competitions
The team of building robots, NTNU-AI, made of students from the Department of Electrical Engineering, has been awarded in many occasions. This August, they attended Robo Cup2019 and FIRA Robo World Cup and won the third and the first individually. The champion robot is even invited by a south Korean business to exhibit at the first robot theme park Robotland in the world, which will open in September.
Outstanding Professor Jacky Baltes, Distinguished Professor Wei-Yen Wang, Outstanding Professor Chen-Chien James Hsu are the leading professors. Students include undergraduates, PhD students and postdoc researchers and some of them are from Korea, Brazil, Malaysia and Indonesia. These students form the teams NTNU-ZSTT, ShiDa and Roboplus.
In FIRA Robo world Cup, held in South Korea from August 11th to 16th, NTNU-AI participated in weight lifting, soccer and marathon. They came second in Kid Size and took the first prize in Adult Size.
In addition to team awards, senior student Chang is the winner of FIRA best student paper, selected among more than 10 students in the world. According to Professor Blates, the technique of computer vision this year is now better, therefore the robots can identify the signs and control their directions more precisely. Indonesian master students Eko Rudiawan and Hanjaya Mandala contributed to the control of steps. Robots can step more steadily, which is one of the keys to win over their opponents.
NTNU-AI will continue their journey in competitions around the world. In November, they will go to Macau for IROS 2019, RoboCup2020 in Thailand next June and FIRA2020 in Tehrān next August. They will further discuss the possibility of opening a start up company about these great works.