Rector University of Münster visits NTNU and Impressed
On September 12, the University of Münster(WWU) Rector Johannes Peter Wessels and Director of the International Officer visited NTNU with the accompany of Secretary Hsieh from the Ministry of Education. President Wu Cheng Chih, Dean Chern Chiou Lan and Director Nikky Lin from the Department of Taiwan Culture, Languages and Literature and Prof. Liu Tsang Long, who has visited WWU welcomed the guests. They have exchanged ideas about student exchange and academic issues.
The University of Münster is one of the largest and renowned universities in Germany. It has 7 colleges and 15 departments. One alumni and one professor have received a nobel prize. Professors and former students have won ten Leibniz Prizes. President of the Federal Republic of Germany Gustav Walter Heinemann, many other politicians and entrepreneurs have studied here.
The University of Münster became NTNU's sister school in 2014. In each semester from the Colleague of Liberal Arts, Sinology studies and Department of Chinese as a Second Language.
President Wu shared with the guests the history of NTNU, which can be dated back to the era as Taihoku College. He also talked about the famous Mandarin Training Center where many German students study Chinese. This is Rector Wessels and his colleagues' first visit to Taiwan. They are impressed by the profound history and educational resources of NTNU. They would like to keep the good relationship between the two schools as well as the academic exchanges.