NTNU is proud to receive the first IB certificate for teacher education program in Taiwan. For decades, NTNU has been the leader of teacher's education in Taiwan. After the establishment of College of Teacher Education in August 2017, the consultant visitors of IB recommended NTNU to be the first IB school for teacher education program in Taiwan this January. This time, the application of International Education and Mandarin Education were sent and approved.
The International Baccalaureate (IB) is an international educational foundation headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland and founded in 1968. It offers four educational programs: the IB Diploma Program and the IB Career-related Program for students aged 15 to 18, the IB Middle Years Program, designed for students aged 11 to 14, and the IB Primary Years Program for children aged 3 to 12.[3] To teach these programs, schools need to be authorized by the International Baccalaureate Organization.
Director Liu, Mei-hui of the College of Teacher Education said that there are two reasons for NTNU to becoming an International Baccalaureate school. First, NTNU agree with the concept of IB. The program emphasis on international education and all-round development. When teacher education student of NTNU finished their education program, they can get a International certificate. It opens up the possibility of teaching at more than 5000 IB schools around the world.
The consultant visitors of IB paid a visit to NTNU on January 29th and 30th. They are very satisfied with the course arrangement, quality of faculty and the resources at school. On 30th, IB announced that NTNU will soon receive a certificate from the headquarter. Except for International Education program and Teaching Chinese as Second Language, NTNU will continue to work on getting the certificate of IB for other programs.