Chen Min Heng from the Department of Industrial Education won the gold medal in automobile technology and Best of Nation in WorldSkills Competition, also known as tradie Olympics. This is the second Gold medal of Taiwan since 1997. In addition, Chen also received the Gold medal of Best of Nation and this is the best total score in different categories of Taiwan since 1970.
WorldSkills Competition was held once in two years. Taiwan has been part of it since 1970. This year, the competition took place at Abu Dhabi from October 15th to 18th.
This 44th World Skills Competition held in Abu Dhabi has a total of 51 categories of projects with a participation of nearly 1,300 people which makes it the most competitive one in recent years. Queenie Huang, a graphic designer training by the Department of Design by NTNU has defeated contestants from China, Japan, Germany, South Korea and Austria and won the gold medal that hasn’t belongs to Taiwan in 24 years.
Teachers from the Department of Industrial Education emphasis on the training of technique and the training center at NTNU was recognized by the Skill Evaluation Center of Workforce Development Agency. Teacher Chang Chun Hsin and Professor Li Jeen Fong taught the contestants personally for the 10 month training course, other professionals and former contestants were also invited to be part of the training group. Strict training and assistant with related business sector all contributed to the outstanding performance of Chen Min Heng. This is a great example of industry-academic cooperation and training of vocational students at NTNU.