2024年霍特獎-台師大校園賽 開放報名中
結束日期:2023-12-29 05:00
報名方式: 免費入場
活動網址: https://reurl.cc/K3gRVR
參加對象: 學生,
聯絡人: 創新育成中心 謝佳玲 小姐
連絡電話: 02-7746-3697
電子郵件: ioh@ntnu.edu.tw
Hult Prize NTNU 2024 - Now Open for Registration
What is Hult Prize?
Hult Prize is an international social enterprise startup competition, known as the “Nobel Prize for Students”. It aims to inspire students to come up with creative
solutions to pressing global problems in accordance with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Through an on-campus competition, one student team will be selected to represent NTNU to compete in the Hult Prize; the winner of the finals will be awarded a prize of one million US dollars to fulfill their entrepreneurship goals.
Register now for Hult Prize NTNU to refine your proposals through workshops hosted by the Incubation Center.
Registration Period: Now till 2023.12.29 (Fri) 17:00
Topics: Proposals related to social enterprise, must adhere to at least one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Teams: 3-5 members to each team; team members should be at least 18 years old and enrolled in NTNU during the 2023-2024 academic year
Competition Format: Presentation and Q&A in English (4 minutes for presentation + 4 minutes for Q&A)
Grading Criteria: According to Hult Prize regulations
On-Campus Competition Date: 2024.2.6 (Tue)
# On-campus competition requires at least 5 teams to participate; the winning team will represent NTNU to compete in the regional competition. If there are fewer than five teams registering for the on-campus competition, the teams can still apply directly through the Open Application on the official Hult Prize website.
# For more Hult Prize information, please visit the official website.
# The host reserves the right to revise on-campus competitions.
Registration Form: https://forms.gle/ZJ6QDksd7CnVy19PA
Contact: Ms. Fang at Incubation Center, email: alinafang@ntnu.edu.tw